I will start with a simple example where we want to have an AbstractBuilder for building Pet instances, in our example this will be a Dog. Here are the Pet class, and the Dog class that extends Pet Suppose we need a builder for building Dog instances and we know that in future there will […]
cand gasesc ceva interesant din domeniul IT scriu aici
The Long Road
Choosing the next career step in such a diverse and fast-paced industry is not an easy task. But when it comes to our careers, there is no right or wrong. Or there is? How do we know? In this talk author will be talking about different career choices, how can we choose good companies to […]
Medium range, low power, wireless transceiver
Few months ago I was thinking about a security system for my car that will allow to receive notification when my car is parked near my house. Requirements where: minim 700m communication range power consumption as low as possible that will allow to run at least 10 days from car battery without discharging battery so […]
Hash table (data structure)
„Hash tables” are one type of data structure, they are good at storing data in sets made up of „keys” and „values”. As an example let’s imagine the data in the next table storead as an array: We prepare few boxes for the array and stored data in them. Next let’s imagine looking up Stefan’s […]
tmux – utilizare generală, sesiuni, sesiuni shared
In video vorbesc despre tmux, sesiuni și sesiuni shared în tmux. Instalare tmux: apt install tmux Orice adresa către tmux începe cu: ctrl-b Comenzi utilizate: c – creare fereastra x – închidere fereastra , – redenumire fereatra o – navigare între ferestre ( care au fost create prin divizarea ferestrei curent split ) % – […]
Factory and Abstract Factory
Let’s imagine we need to know exchange rates in different cities, for this we are going to the Central Bank and are asking for an entity that can give us exchange rates for specific cities. Factory CentralBank will create or will give us instances of ExchangePlace based on the city name that are passing as […]
Decorator Pattern
Today we gonna talk about Decorator Pattern. Every morning, before starting work I drink coffee, sometimes with milk, sometimes with a bar of chocolate. Let’s imagine the business that seels coffee asked us to write software that will help them selling different types of coffee (Coffe with Milk, Coffe with Chocolate, Coffe with Milk and […]
Observer Pattern
This article will be pretty short. Imagine you have a weather station and you should provide weather info for other businesses and government alerting system (they will use this information for informing people). For implementing this we will use Observer pattern. Observer pattern has two parts Observable and Observer. Observable is the weather station that […]
Programming Books
I’m working as a developer for about 4 years, I have started by doing freelance in university ( I don’t count those years as years of experience – I was doing a lot of stuff with different technologies but didn’t used any of them deep ). I have read some books about programing, but in […]
MetalIO practical usage
About 1 year ago I have published on github.com, the MetalIO project. It’s a project for enthusiasts who are passionated about home automation – you can write this project on a simple ESP8266 micro controller, do all the configuration from your mobile phone without need to install any special application. Also a very important aspect […]