Public information should be accessible

About two years ago, with a team of great people, we have implemented a platform that facilitates access to information about private companies. Country, where we living, have limited access to public data or public information is not easily accessible. Also in our country are about 250 000 of private companies and until 2014 public information was accessible only by paying an amount of money for getting information about a company ( I think the amount you have to pay was about 1$ per request ), so it will cost you about 250k USD to get information about every company.
In 2014, Govern decided to make public information about private companies, the information available is only public information and no personal data is available. The biggest impediment to use data published by govern was that is in XSLX format and there are a lot of information and you will need a good computer for viewing and searching in that file.
We have implemented a platform that allows searching in a easy way for a specific company.  In backend, it uses Elasticsearch that allows fast searching and full-text search that makes our search engine to return data even you don’t know exactly the company name, founder name or numeric code associated with that company.

The technologies stack that we have used is:
Java 8

The platform is available at

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