Programming Books

I’m working as a developer for about 4 years, I have started by doing freelance in university ( I don’t count those years as years of experience – I was doing a lot of stuff with different technologies but didn’t used any of them deep ).

I have read some books about programing, but in last two years I found some interesting books and I’ve started reading them. Next list of books was read by me and I would like to recommend them:

1. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship – this book should be read by all developers, it’s about how to write readable and clean code.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship


2. The Art of Unix Programming by Eric S. Raymond – if you would like to know how everything about how Unix started, understand what happened before internet, how open-source started and how passionated programmers wrote tools that we are using nowadays ( ex: diff, grep, tail, head … ) – this will be a good book for you. Contains history about UNIX and examples and comparisons about how to write good software and how to avoid well known problems.

The Art of Unix Programming by Eric S. Raymond

3. Effective Java 2nd Edition – describes a lot of principle that you should follow for writing maintainable software. I would recommend this book for Java developers.

Effective Java 2nd Edition

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